Russian Volcano Erupts Leaving 20km High Ash Cloud Over Kamchatka, Natural Disaster Floors the Inter

  • One volcano eruption in Russia took social media by storm as people saw how serious the disaster looked
  • Twitter users were horrified after seeing footage of a volcano eruption which affected the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia
  • Social media was abuzz as people on Twitter reacted to seeing the dramatic footage of the volcano's impact

A recent volcano eruption in Russia made worldwide headlines. The explosion happened on April 11, 2023, and it caused potential danger.

The Russian volcano that erupted is called Shiveluch. People watched in wonder as the rumbling volcano turned the air dark.

Russian volcano eruption goes Twitter viral

A mountain in Russia, Shiveluch, caused volcanic ash to spread across the Kamchatka Peninsula. News24 reports that the eruption could cause some risk to flights which would have detrimental effects. Watch a video of some of the eruption balloons in a post by Al Jazeera.

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Twitter users mortified by volcano activity in Russia

The footage of the volcano eruption left netizens concerned. Other people were more interested in how the volcanic eruption would affect the Russia-Ukraine war.

@Abuzar_ii commented:

"Show me anything more spectacular than a volcano erupting."

@HeroCallMovie commented:

"I wonder what, if any, impact this will have on the war."

@MARIANOMODEE commented:

"Russia just taking yet another L."

@mburue446 commented:

"Prayers for people's safety, wonders of mother nature."

@McOriaro commented:

"What does this mean in the effort to defeat the West militarisation in Ukraine?"

Contralesa says SA must withdraw from ICC following Putin's arrest warrant

Briefly News reported that The Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (Contralesa) says Russian President Vladimir Putin should visit South Africa freely when he attends the Brics Summit scheduled for August.

This is despite the International Criminal Court (ICC) issuing a warrant of arrest for the Russian leader for the invasion of Ukraine.

The ICC wants Putin to stand trial for allegedly unlawfully deporting children from Ukraine from his country.
