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Everything About One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers:- Yep, we’re doing One Piece 1053 Spoilers article, I mean, we are going on a four-week break after this. So let’s just make the most of it. And also, this chapter is pretty significant. And there’s a lot actually that we’re going to be going over in this article that we didn’t talk about in the previous two spoilers, believe it or not.

So we’re pretty much going over the entire One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers in this article. So let’s do it. So the chapter opens up with us seeing the Goro say reacting to the new bounty posters being released and they’re saying what is this picture? We didn’t allow this to be published and we told them to get rid of the D in the name too. And then the marine says No, sir, we didn’t receive such an order.

One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Leaked on Reddit

And that picture is from CP zero agent Mr. Guernica, then the Gorosei says reprint this we cannot let something like this be seen in the world. And then the marine says we can’t contact the printing factory and then the Gorosei says stop the publication at all costs. So that clears up some of the questions we had coming into this such as like if the Gorosei was so against everyone finding out the truth about the rubber fruit then why would they publish a picture of gear five Monkey D. Luffy on the Bounty poster and yeah, turns out that they didn’t want that.

One Piece Chapter 1053 Release Date & Time

One Piece Chapter 1053 Release DateJune 19, 2022
One Piece Chapter 1053 Release DaySunday
One Piece Chapter 1053 Release TimingPacific Time: 8 AM (June 19, 2022)
Central Time: 10 AM (June 19, 2022)
Eastern Time: 11 AM (June 19, 2022)
British Time: 4 PM (June 19, 2022)
European Time: 5 PM (June 19, 2022)
Indian Time: 8.30 PM (June 19, 2022)
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Maybe they’re still trying to keep it as low key on a high key as they can, especially because they didn’t want the picture of gear five on there and they didn’t even want the D in the name anyway so make sense that they wouldn’t want him to have like the highest bounty and gain even more attention than what he’s already getting.

One Piece Chapter 1053 Recap [Ending Explained]

In fact, they didn’t even want the D in Luffy’s name on the poster and the CP zero agent Guernica. I guess that’s the guy that we saw running away from the final moments of the Luffy vs Kaido battle but anyway, we’re finding out why the gear five picture is on the Bounty poster and it’s pretty much what you expected because it’s Morgan’s and he’s laughing here saying look at this mystic appearance spread this to every corner my workers referring to the news crews that like dropped the newspapers everywhere.

The last message from the CP zero agents Eduardo before they were lost was its big bomb ship. Okay, so finally they’re back in the fray we haven’t seen them or at least their ships since they arrived at Wano, essentially and they were knocked off like the incline by King. now I don’t think this means that like Big Mom is on the ship, although she could be, unfortunately, we’re not getting any more information on this stuff.

One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoiler Released on Twitter

So yeah, then Morgan says As if I’ll let them manipulate information right now in this current changing world facts are the most intriguing. What are the implications here that the Big Mom remnants stole the photos and just the information in general from the CP agents and then gave it to Morgan?

But anyway, we’re seeing more of what the papers are saying. And it says Emperor Kaido and Emperor Big Mom had been defeated. It took a little time before the world is taken by this huge news. the three pirate captains Luffy, Kid, and Law managed to take down two of the emperors who have ruled the seas for decades, and thus the government has placed a 3 billion buried bounty on each of their heads an exceptional amount. So yeah, we found this on the spoilers yesterday.

These are the new bounties of Luffy, Kid, and law, and yeah, I know some of you are going to be disappointed that Luffy has the same bounty as them but there’s still time for him to climb the ranks and it could be a division of Big Mom and Kaido has bounties combined because their bounties almost added up to 9 billion so maybe that’s what they’re going for here and also maybe the Gorosei isn’t ready to pull the trigger on Luffy being like the world’s most wanted man yet kind of like how his dad is but for a different fact because he’s like the reincarnation of their Antichrist Joy boy.

But anyway, we’re cutting to beneath the castle and we’re seeing Tenguyama Hitetsu talking to Robin and he says are you interested Nico Robin and she says how do you know my name? Then Hitestsu says these are my collections. Aren’t these girl Kokeshi dolls cute Robin says not really, Why are your collections here?

One Piece Chapter 1053 Wiki (Full Details)

Tenguyama Hitetsu says this is my secret hobby room and also where I was in prison for several years. Robin says, in prison Who are you exactly? are you not a Swordsmith Hitetsu says sword crafting is something I am talented at but it’s just my hobby since politics really wears one out. My name is Kozuki Sukiyaki the father of Kozuki Oden.

So yeah, we also found this out in the spoilers yesterday. Huge reveal here Sukiyaki’s original Death was ambiguous and we didn’t really necessarily know if it was true or not. But we just kind of assumed that it was like yeah, he apparently survived and he was in prison slash hiding out down here.

And also we knew about this place beforehand, actually, because Brooke told Robin that like when he went into his astral form, he discovered this place and the poem glyph within it and that there were also Kokeshi dolls were there.

And that lined up with the original little narration that we got on Hitestsu when it said that he was a collector of Kokeshi dolls, and that’s when people started putting two and two together like, Oh, this guy is somebody special and hey maybe he’s even Sukiyaki.

One Piece Chapter 1053 Spoilers Leaked Online (Released Date, Timing, Schedule)

I mean, I wasn’t one of them. But there are some people who correctly guessed that he was Sukiyaki this whole time based on that stuff.

But he essentially says that, like he’s ashamed of himself for not doing anything when Orochi was taking over and Oden dying and everything and then he shouldn’t reveal himself. But then Robin, I don’t know kind of like forcefully changes the subject and she says it should be here in this country, the ancient weapon pluton, the Poneglyph, and the Alabasta Kingdom said so.

Then Hitestsu says, and indeed it is. So yeah, this was revealed in the spoilers yesterday. And this is huge. So first of all, Robin knew this the whole time, like since she read the Poneglyph and Alabasta in chapter 202, which was like 18 or 19 years ago. She knew that it was in Wano.

And she didn’t say anything for some reason, and Sukiyaki is confirming that it is in Wano, so yeah, pluton is there and I guess it might be like inside of Wano because the way that it’s like built it’s like a mountain kind of with like water in the middle holding up all of the islands of Wano.

So it might be like in there and I’m assuming that like before they leave Wano, this is going to be a dress. It’s not like they’re going to be like Zunesha and be like, Oh, that’s cool. All right, maybe it won’t be a big deal to Luffy at first but they’re going to like convince him that like hey Pluton is here kind of needs to get this I mean, especially Frankie.

So I’m not saying that it’s guaranteed the Straw Hats are gonna like straw hats have pluton coming out of this arc but something is going to happen with it.

Admiral Green Bull fully Revealed

So then we’re cutting to Ryokugyu Admiral Green bull, and his name is revealed to be Aramaki and he’s like absorbing people because apparently his devil fruit whatever it is, is like plant-based as we could infer from the panel in the previous One Piece Chapter 1052 Spoilers, but he can like produce like Vine things from his fingers and they like can pierce people and like, absorb their nutrients just like a perfect cell could.

And he’s like absorbing like beasts pirates. They’re not just random but also like king and queen. Like he’s stabbing through them. And he’s like, sucking them dry. Like it looks just like out of BBZ but Queen saying, Oh, I was staying round on purpose because you know, he was fat and he’s like getting thin from his nutrients being absorbed, and then Ryokugyu said I told you don’t do it. Someone in my position can’t afford to be taken down by mere commanders.

The Navy doesn’t have any spare manpower for cleanup right now, you know, and then he answers his Den Den Mushi, and then I think it’s made purposely unclear who exactly he’s talking to. And he says hey, I’m here in Wano, send a warship over don’t let Sakazuki-san find out about this all right, and then he says I love this style of doing things in extreme ways.

You did a great job. That’s what I want him to say to me after I take this kid’s head Rahahaha so that’s interesting. I guess he’s talking about Luffy here or it could be a mystery Another really interesting thing here is that we’re seeing Ryokugyu use face and in my article yesterday I pretty much said that it’s very likely that he’s not Zoro’s dad, aka Shimotsuki Ushimaru tomorrow.

But now that we see his face, he has the same nose and eyebrows as Shimotsuki Ushimaru does. And also he’s like wearing sunglasses, but when his sunglasses are off, his left eye is being covered and Shimotsuki Ushimaru’s left eye is the one that is like a scar.

Now does that confirm that the Green bull is Ushimaru? AKA Zora’s dad? No. He could just be a coincidence. But man, it’s just so weird that they have so many similarities here. And I’m not trying to say it’s a guarantee or whatever you just make up your mind for yourself. I’ll just gladly Wait, you know, for the next four weeks because we’ll probably find out in the next One Piece chapter 1054 spoilers if he is Ushimaru or not. But right now just say I don’t know because I don’t want to hype anyone up unnecessarily.

About One Piece Manga Series

But anyway, after this, we’re coming back to the capital, and like everyone’s essentially partying.

Ninjas, the pirates, minks, the samurais, the Yakuza, and Luffy are like you guys fought well then we get a flashback to Luffy talking to Momo and he says don’t tell the people of Wano about me. Momo likes but why you’ll surely be recognized as a hero then we don’t get any more info on that.

This could be because Luffy just wants you to know, Kozuki Momonosuke, the Nine Red Scabbards
and everyone else to take the credit because you know, it’s kind of like their big thing you know, 20 years in the making.

I guess Luffy doesn’t want to steal their thunder but then Kid meets up with Luffy and he’s like the hell you’re getting me involved for here. Take a look. I came here to kill you. I have no idea what how happened outside but then it gives Luffy the paper and he says these are the new emperors and then we find out of course that it is Shanks, Luffy, Buggy, and Blackbeard. Yes, the Buggy is one of the new emperors we were talking about this for the last few days. It’s pretty crazy I know.

Then Luffy’s reaction to this is whaaa?!!!! and like his eyes pop out of his head. Then in the last panel, I guess we’re seeing Green bull again and he says, well, well that’s some fun music coming from the festival. The Navy has no time for that you damn kids, the outside world is a mess.

And then I guess he’s about to go encounter the Straw Hats and everyone and yeah, that’s worth One Piece chapter 1053 spoilers end. Let me know what you think about this in the comments, guys. And if you liked it, please give it a like and please subscribe News Unzip. Have a great day ahead.

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